Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I HATE: Boy-Noodling Priests/The Pope

Ok, so imagine you're a sweet, innocent little NINE YEAR OLD DEAF BOY at a school in Wisconsin and you along with TWO HUNDRED OF YOUR FELLOW CLASSMATES are raped by a priest. You tell everyone you can possibly think of what happened, but are basically told to "shut your mout..I mean quit your signing" by anyone of any kind of authority.

Fast-forward 50 years only to find out that the fucking NEWLY CROWNED POPE knew about this shit, and did absolutely nothing about it. The man that raped at least 200 deaf boys died a priest, having never spent a single day in prison. That's fucking disgusting, ESPECIALLY considering how many people are in prison for much, much less.

Anyway, what does Pope Asshole the 69th go on to say when confronted with this?

Oh,just blame it on the Jews.(...Really?)

No, wait, our plight is just like the Jews and that whole Holocaust thing. (....Wait, is this a joke? I don't get it...)

OMG no, it's totes the gays and their Madonna and Marc Jacobs that make priests noodle little boys. (Ok, so quick question. If being gay automatically makes one attracted to little boys, then wouldn't being heterosexual automatically make one attracted to little girls? And, as far as I can tell, there's a few more straight people on earth than gay't that make straight people the problem?)

Fuck it, I'm done trying to figure this insanity out. Jesus speaks to me, and here's what he says to you, Pope Asshole the 69th:


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